Cosmetic Dentistry Olathe

Erasing Imperfections for a Brighter, More Perfect Smile

At Appletree Family Dental, we understand the importance of having a healthy as well as a beautiful smile that makes you feel confident. Dr. Farruggia is ready and eager to make your smile truly stunning by bringing your dream smile to life. You can visit us for custom-tailored cosmetic dentistry in Olathe. Learn more about our aesthetic services by reading below. You can also book a consultation to chat with us in person.

Why Choose Appletree Family Dental for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • Zoom! Whitening Treatment Available
  • Minimize the Appearance of Wrinkles with BOTOX®
  • High-Quality Virtual Smile Design


If you need versatile cosmetic work, give serious thought to veneers. These objects are thin shells placed on the fronts of teeth. Once set, they’ll hide a wide range of smile flaws – tooth stains, chips, cracks, and more. Their porcelain material further ensures they’ll blend with your smile. All that said, note that veneer placement takes time and removes some of your enamel. You may want to try our office’s Lumineers for a faster and less invasive method.

Metal-Free Restorations

Metallic restorations used to be the only kind that a dentist could place. However, these dental crowns, fillings, and such can look "off" and adversely affect your health. It’s a good thing that our office has a superior approach. Today, our team offers metal-free restorations –  a newer type that’s able to defend your teeth and hide their flaws. Thanks to their resin and ceramic makeup, they blend seamlessly and don’t cause any harm. They’ll just beautify and protect your grin for years to come!

Cosmetic Bonding

You ought to try cosmetic bonding when your smile has smaller flaws. For this treatment, we apply tooth-colored resin to the imperfect parts of your teeth. This substance will hide minor stains, chips, and even gaps. Typically, it also only takes a single dental visit. From there, your cosmetic bonding results can last for 5-10 years. Such an effect (combined with the procedure's lower price point than other cosmetic options) makes treatment very cost-effective.

Teeth Whitening

Our office’s Zoom! teeth whitening directly brightens your smile. It comes in two distinct types: in-office treatment and take-home kits. For the in-office option, you would undergo the whitening process at our practice. That means Dr. Farruggia would apply the whitening gel onto your teeth. On the other hand, the take-home kit achieves optimal results from the comfort of your own home within a couple of weeks. Ultimately, both methods deliver quality results, including a smile that’s brighter by six to eight shades.

Gum Recontouring/ Crown Lengthening

Overgrown gums may hide your enamel from view and distract from your otherwise beautiful smile, resulting in what we call a “gummy smile.” Thankfully, we can treat that issue with gum recontouring (also known as crown lengthening.) This service uses our dental laser to permanently remove excess gum tissue and reveal more of your smile’s pearly white shine.

BOTOX® Treatment

Dentistry doesn’t just alter teeth and gums – it can also enhance a smile through facial cosmetics. A key example is BOTOX, which smooths the wrinkles on your face with a series of injections. (It’s also known to treat muscle spasms and migraines.) The treatment injects Botulinum toxin to relax stressed and overworked facial muscles for a limited time, minimizing creases in your eyebrows, forehead, eyes, lips, etc.

Smile Makeovers

Many cases exist where one cosmetic dental service can’t fix all of a smile’s flaws. If your situation is similar, you should likely get a smile makeover. This option fuses two or more cosmetic dental services into one treatment. To perform it, we rely on virtual smile design – an advanced imaging method for your teeth and face. The tool offers a realistic preview of what your new smile will look like. Based on your feedback, we’ll adjust things to ensure your treatment results suit you.