Sedation Dentistry Olathe

Calming Your Mind for Dental Care

Maybe you or your child have fears related to dentistry. It wouldn’t be surprising if so – as many as 36% of Americans are afraid of visiting the dentist. That said, you don’t want a phobia holding your family back from crucial treatments. The better move is to conquer your fears with our sedation dentistry in Olathe. Appletree Family Dental can use it to help you enjoy a more positive overall experience. If you would like more details, please keep reading or schedule a consultation.

Why Choose Appletree Family Dental for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Multiple Sedation Options Available
  • Warm & Welcoming Dental Team
  • Let Enzo, Our Office Dog, Ease Your Worries!

IV Sedation

We bring in a local, specially-trained nurse to perform our IV sedation. To administer the medicine, they’ll start an IV in your hand or arm. The sedative will then enter your bloodstream to create an intense calming effect. This effect will likely be so strong that you don’t remember much of your visit. You’ll also need someone to drive you home from the appointment. Given these facts, IV sedation is best suited for patients with extreme dental fears.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Nitrous oxide sedation works well for those with low dental anxiety. In essence, it has you inhale nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”) through a nose mask before and during care. Doing so leaves you relaxed and mildly euphoric in just a few short moments. While you’re under these effects, our team will finish your treatment smoothly. You can then resume everyday activities once we’re done. After all, nitrous oxide effects don’t persist – they wear off once you stop breathing the gas.